#magento #xml

Magento – Extending Core Classess for Models, Blocks & Helpers – cheatsheet

General Rules for rewriting Classes in Magento 1.7 (1.8):

  <!-- models / helpers / resources / etc...  -->
      <!-- Module name -->
         <!-- the tag name is the Model / Block/ Helper to be rewritten -->


1. Example – Rewriting Model Class for the class Mage_Core_Model_Session:

The path to the model : /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Models/Session.php

    <models> <!-- We are rewriting a Model Class -->
      <core> <!-- "core" - because the session Model is in the Core module -->
        <session> <!-- "session" - because its the Model name -->
          <!-- The name of the class, 
               that would rewrite the "Mage_Core_Model_Session" -->

2. Example – Rewriting the class Mage_Sales_Block_Order_Totals

The path to the block class : /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Block/Totals.php

    <!-- We are rewriting a Block Class -->
      <!-- "sales" - because this Block is in that module --> 
        <!-- "order_totals" - because its the Block name -->
          <!-- The name of the class, that would rewrite the 
                         "Mage_Sales_Block_Order_Totals" --> 